[Pin] Encoding Memory Visualization
2024. 10. 22 TuesdayVisualizatinon - Text memory + CPU Cycle # Summary 정적으로 컴파일 된 코드 -> objdump로 확인 동적으로 연결 -> 코드 상에서 프린트 찍어서 확인 동적이냐 정적이냐 구분해서 분석하는 것 중요DLL이랑은 다른 내용 Rust 코드에서 print 구문으로 text 주소 확인하기 16진수 메모리 -> 100 단위도 매우 큰 scale csv 파일 -> Python으로 시각화 at Web - Plotly PlotlyPlotly' GitHub - plotly/ The in..
2024.10.22 -
[Pin] CoreBPE Memory Tracing by pinatrace How can i specify an area of code to instrument it by pintool?There are four levels of granularity in Pin: routine, instruction and image, trace. Can i specify an limits/area to start and stop inserting instrumentation code. may by like directive like ( # # 자주 썼던..
2024.10.15 -
[PIM] CPU/DPU Programming Code Review
PrIM BenchmarksVertor Addition Code Reivew GitHub - SohyeonKim-dev/prim-benchmarks: PrIM (Processing-In-Memory benchmarks) is the first benchmark suite for a real-world prPrIM (Processing-In-Memory benchmarks) is the first benchmark suite for a real-world processing-in-memory (PIM) architecture. PrIM is developed to evaluate, analyze, and charact..
2024.07.16 -
[PIM] HEAM: Hashed Embedding Acceleration Using Processing-In-Memory
HEAM: Hashed Embedding Acceleration Using Processing-In-Memory HEAM : Hashed Embedding Acceleration using Processing-In-MemoryIn today's data centers, personalized recommendation systems face challenges such as the need for large memory capacity and high bandwidth, especially when performing embedding operations. Previous approaches have relied on DIMM-based near..
2024.06.25 -
[PIM] Processing-in-memory: A workload-driven perspective
Processing-in-memory: A workload-driven perspective (IBM, 2019) Processing-in-memory: A workload-driven perspectiveMany modern and emerging applications must process increasingly large volumes of data. Unfortunately, prevalent computing paradigms are not designed to efficiently handle such large-scale data: The energy and performance costs to move thi..
2024.05.21 -
[PIM] Benchmarking a New Paradigm: An Experimental Analysis of a Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture
2024. 05. 17. FridayBenchmarking a New Paradigm: An Experimental Analysis of a Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture Benchmarking a New Paradigm: Experimental Analysis and Characterization of a Real Processing-in-Memory SystemMany modern workloads, such as neural networks, databases, and graph processing, are fundamentally memory-bound. For such workloads, the data movement between main memory ..